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5 Things to Consider Before Buying a Cat

Posted on 5th June 2013 by Green Lane Farm Team

Buying or adopting a cat is a huge commitment, not just in terms of money but also in time and care. Although cats are often presumed to involve less dedication than their canine counterparts, there are a number of considerations to make before inviting one into your home and family.

In 2010, for example, the RSPCA saw a 28% increase in the number of abandoned cats reported to the organisation. The number of this shocking increase was 10,610 – a figure largely attributed to the recession and, as such, pet owners’ lack of money and free time.

Facts like this really bring home the importance of carefully and thoughtfully considering if you, and your home, is ready for a cat and this simple guideline details the 5 most important things to think about…


#1 Can you commit to its care?

The average life span of a cat is 14 years – with some living as long as 20 – and it is important to remember that when you buy a cat you will be responsible for it for this amount of time. You should seriously question if you are able to make this commitment, carefully considering how your life might be likely to change in those years. Are you thinking of moving, for example? Will you be able to afford it if you have children? Will you be living in rented accommodation? All of these things should play a part in your decision.

#2 Do you have the time?

In the first 4 to 6 weeks of bringing your kitten home, they will require constant attention. Making sure they don’t go outside and getting them comfortable in their new environment can be a difficult task – and one which a lot of people will simply not have the time for.

Even when they are more settled and able to roam around outside, you will still have to dedicate a large proportion of your life to them. Cats are a lot more independent than dogs, but this doesn’t mean you can leave them on their own for days at a time. Your cat will require your attention a few times a day, for essentials like food and water, but also for a bit of TLC. Not to mention regular visits to the vet for worming, health checks and neutering – being a responsible pet owner requires you to take charge of your pets health too.

#3 Can you afford it?

Before buying a cat you will need to think about the financial implications it will have. Things such as food, cat litter, toys, pet insurance, worm and flea treatments, vaccinations and unexpected medical costs will all total up, which if you’re living on a tight budget could make life uncomfortable.

This is Money, a financial advice website, estimated that cat owners will spend an average of £1028 a year on their pet – and over a lifetime can expect to pay up to £23,818 (for a 20-year life span).

#4 Do you suffer from allergies?

If this will be your first cat, it is vital to establish whether you are allergic to them. If you haven’t spent much time around cats, it is highly recommended that you do so before purchasing one. Furthermore, check with family and friends to be sure none of them are highly allergic.

#5 Have you thought about your home?

It is important to consider whether your home is safe before moving a cat in to it. If you live near a busy main road, for example, your house may not be the best environment for a cat. Similarly, an area with lots of dogs or foxes could prove dangerous.

Additionally, you need to consider the impact your cat will have on your home. Cats, by nature, scratch and will scratch anything, from your new sofa to your favourite handbag. If this fills you with dread, it might be time to reconsider. However, if you can accept that your home, and the furnishing within it, may feature a few scratches from now on, you should be fine. And you can also invest in a scratching post to curb most of the behaviour.

For more information on our fantastic cattery service, get in touch with the professionals at Green Lane Farm today.

We would also like to take this chance to pass on our congratulations to Claire, one our longest standing employees, who gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl in April. Both mum and baby are doing extremely well and, we would like to wish the family all the best!


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